If you like the look of shiny clothing, you may have already tried PVC or patent leather. The next step for many people is trying latex or rubber. You don't have to be a hardened fetishist or fashionista to try latex and this guide will help you choose the right size latex wear and explain how to put it on.Before you start: check that you do not have a latex allergy. Cut cheap latex gloves into strips and place them in various places against your skin (under a bra strap, inside a sock, inside a waistband) and, after an hour or two, check for any signs of irritation.

You may be thinking; “But I've used condoms, I know I'm not allergic.” You should still patch test various parts of your body before encasing yourself in the stuff, just to be sure.How to Buy Latex ClothingThere are generally two types of latex garment: glued and the moulded.Moulded latex is most common. This is where liquid rubber is poured into moulds to make one seamless garment. Moulded latex tend to be much less expensive PicoBong Mahana , are slightly thicker and are harder to puncture or tear.Glued latex is made from sheets of latex that have been cut to size and put together by hand using adhesives. Glued garments generally fit slightly better, come in more interesting shapes and varieties and polish to a higher shine.
If you are new to latex, it is wise to start with moulded garments. They are thicker and generally deteriorate at a much lesser pace. One downside is that they very rarely have zips or any kind of fastener, which means wriggling your way in and out.We stock a range of moulded latex garments that a perfect for your first test run such as the Latex Mini Skirt (12.99)or Latex Mini Dress (26.99).Rubber has an incredible stretch that flattens lumps and bumps, giving you a smoother silhouette. Think of rubber or latex like Lycra bullet vibrators , stretching to fit your body.Rubber clothing sizes already take stretch into account, so if you’re a size 12-14, buy the size labelled to fit a size 12-14. When it arrives though, expect it to be smaller than you are. Just like you’d expect from a pair of Lycra shorts.As a general rule, the measurements of your latex need to be 2-3 inches smaller than your own to give you a great skintight fit. Women can get a little more squeeze factor out of their boobs, especially if there’s a zip-up front, so up to 4 inches smaller than your full breast measurement should work without flattening your chest.If you’re still not sure it’ll fit when it arrives, you can measure it to make sure. Take measurements from your new latex clothing at all the important points - like waist, hips, chest - and then measure yourself. If after measuring your garment you still th.
hrough with your lover could be the first step on the road to longer lasting, more satisfying sex for both of you- who wouldn’t want that?! Discussing your anxiety may not seem like hot girl a simple solution for some men, but you may be surprised by how much effect talking honestly about your issues could have on your performance.
Besides, once your partner knows that it’s been concerning you they can get involved with all sorts of exercises and techniques to help you last longer!
Practice makes perfect. You can apply the Start-Stop method to all aspects of your sex life, so begin with regular masturbation. When you feel the need to come, stop, wait for the urge to pass, then carry on. Once you’ve reached a point where there’s no stopping your orgasm, allow yourself to ejaculate as normal- this method isn’t designed to be torture! Think of it like a training schedule; start off with regular masturbation, then masturbation with lube, masturbation with porn, a hand job from your partnerleading eventually to intercourse. You get the idea. The key to the Start Stop method is to take things slow, don’t get disheartened if you don’t see results immediately and practice, practice, practice.
Products That Can Help:
There are loads of products available on the market that can help to cure premature ejaculation temporarily and can be effective in the long-term when combined with the ‘DIY’ methods above. At sextoysbrand, we stock a range of ejaculation?delay creams and delay sprays?to help prolong performance and reduce the chance of early ejaculation.
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