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California Bans Reparative Therapy for Teenagers
The ex-gay movement took yet another hit this week as California Gov. Jerry Brown signed a law banning the practice of reparative therapy for teenagers in his state. Brown said that he hoped this new law, which prohibits licensed mental-health-care providers from sexy girl attempting to change the sexual orientation of anyone under age 18, will relegate the practice to the “dustbin of quackery.”

This law comes after a difficult summer for supporters of the practice known as reparative therapy. In May, a psychiatrist apologized for his role in advancing this therapy, also known as conversion therapy, which seeks to “cure” homosexuality. In the 1970s, Dr. Robert Spitzer was part of the American Psychiatric Association panel that ruled that homosexuality was not a mental disorder as it had been categorized until that point. Yet after being part of one of the biggest advances in gay rights, he was also part of one of its biggest setbacks. In 2001, he published a peer-reviewed study, claiming reparative therapy worked. This year, Spitzer admitted that the study was flawed because it simply asked individuals if they felt that their sexual orientation had changed. This meant that they could be lying, not just to him but cheap dildos to themselves. He apologized to the gay community and to “any gay person who wasted time and energy undergoing reparative therapy… .”
In August, the president of Exodus International, an umbrella organization for ex-gay ministries, which was founded in 1976 to promote reparative therapy, announced that there is no cure for homosexuality. He went on to say that “ reparative therapy offered false hopes to gays and could even be harmful.” Though the organization will no longer support therapies designed to change sexual orientation, it still does not support same-sex relationships or LGBT rights. In fact, its president continues to say that “any sexual expression outside of heterosexual, monogamous marriage is sinful according to the Bible.”
Still, he now believes that reparative therapy is harmful because it makes people feel “sinful .
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